Oui je donne enfin des nouvelles, désolée d'avoir attendu si longtemps, surtout vu la montagne de choses que j'ai à dire!
je vais commencer par mon école, vu que c'est la où il se passe le plus de choses. Je ne parle bien sur pas des cours, c'est presque drôle à quel point ils ne font rien. En 6 semaines je n'ai eu que 2 fois littérature par exemple (normalement 2h par semaine quand même). Chaque élève a droit à 10 absences non justifiées avant d'etre sanctionnée. Tout est comme ça, c'est clairement moins strict qu'en France.
Il y a deux semaines, c'etait la "semana" de Santa Catalina. C'est un concept spécifique a Tucuman, c'est plus ou moins une fête du lycée sur 3 jours (encore une manière de ne pas avoir cours). Le matin est réservée aux étudiantes du lycée seulement, c'est des jeux, un concert, etc... L'apres-midi est consacrée au sport, et des équipes de tous les lycées de la ville viennent s'affronter. Le soir, il y a des ventes de nourriture par les élèves comme une kermesse, et soit une compétition de danse (par lycée toujours) ou un concert et la présentation de la promotion 2015 (la mienne 💪). C'est super sympa, on rencontre plein de gens et il y a vraiment une bonne ambiance!
Il commence a vraiment faire chaud tout le temps, 30 dégrés facile. J'ai vraiment peur des 4 prochains mois !
Le weekend dernier, j'ai eu un weekend d'orientation avec YFU a Tafí del Valle, un village dans la montagne a 2h de route de San Miguel, avec 6 autres étudiants d'echange (5 de Tucuman et un de Santiago del Estero, la région en dessous) et 9 volontaires. Au programme, nourriture typique (milanesa, empanadas, maté, tortillas..), discussions sur notre expérience en Argentine jusqu'a maintenant, excursion au centre de Tafí à une heure de marche, pas assez de sommeil et vraiment pas assez de chaleur la par contre. C'était vraiment super, le lieu était magnifique!
Voila c'est à peu près tout pour le moment!
I'm finally giving some news, sorry for waiting this long, and I have a lot to say!
I'm going to start with my school, since this is where most stuff happens. I'm not talking about the classes of course, because it's almost funny to see how few they work here. In 6 weeks i only had literature classes twice... Every student is allowed to skip school 10 times for no reason before being punished.. Everything is like that, it's really way cooler than in France !
Two weeks ago, it was Santa Catalina's "semana". This is typically from Tucumán, and it's like a high school "fest" (I don't know the English name) during 3 whole days (=no classes). The morning is only for the high school students, with games, a concert, etc... The afternoons are dedicated to sports, and teams from every high school come and compete. In the night the students sell food, there's dancing competitions, a concert, and the promotion 2015's presentation (mine 💪). It's really nice, we meet a lot of people and everything is cool !
It's starting to be really hot all the time here, around 30 degrees, I'm fearing the next 4 months!
Last weekend I had an orientation weekend with YFU in Tafí del Valle, a village in the mountains, 2h away from San Miguel, with 6 other ES (5 from Tucuman and one from Santiago del Estero, the province under mine) and 9 volunteers. We had typical food (milanesa, empanadas, maté, tortillas..), talks about our life here up to now, we walked an hour to the center of Tafí, didn't sleep enough and freezer to death. It was truly amazing, and it's an amazing place!
I'm finally giving some news, sorry for waiting this long, and I have a lot to say!
I'm going to start with my school, since this is where most stuff happens. I'm not talking about the classes of course, because it's almost funny to see how few they work here. In 6 weeks i only had literature classes twice... Every student is allowed to skip school 10 times for no reason before being punished.. Everything is like that, it's really way cooler than in France !
Two weeks ago, it was Santa Catalina's "semana". This is typically from Tucumán, and it's like a high school "fest" (I don't know the English name) during 3 whole days (=no classes). The morning is only for the high school students, with games, a concert, etc... The afternoons are dedicated to sports, and teams from every high school come and compete. In the night the students sell food, there's dancing competitions, a concert, and the promotion 2015's presentation (mine 💪). It's really nice, we meet a lot of people and everything is cool !
It's starting to be really hot all the time here, around 30 degrees, I'm fearing the next 4 months!
Last weekend I had an orientation weekend with YFU in Tafí del Valle, a village in the mountains, 2h away from San Miguel, with 6 other ES (5 from Tucuman and one from Santiago del Estero, the province under mine) and 9 volunteers. We had typical food (milanesa, empanadas, maté, tortillas..), talks about our life here up to now, we walked an hour to the center of Tafí, didn't sleep enough and freezer to death. It was truly amazing, and it's an amazing place!
That's it for now !
Chau !
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